Costume FAQ

Here I gathered all the information that is scattered over the other sites and added some of the questions I usually get regarding my costumes:

What is a Fursuit?

Fursuits are a type of personal costumes that emerged within the so called „furry fandom“ and usually depict a personal character of the person wearing it. They are usually animal related.

What is Cosplay?

Cosplay is the perfomative type of costume wearing – you usually have a character from a game or movie or anything similar, that you are portraying.

Why do people wear these?

Same reason anyone wears a costume – they are fun and a way of expressing yourself.

What kind of materials are used?

The main „ingredient“ for animal costumes is high quality faux fur and different fabrics, mainly synthetic, so please make sure to notify me if you are allergic. Asides from the fabric, I use a lot of hot glue (pattex) and foam, but the only thing that comes in contact with your skin is fabric.

Cosplay use either cotton or similar fabrics, depending on what is needed.

Heads and props are 3D printed or build with foam depending on what is needed, single parts can be 3D printed or hand molded. Realistic eyes are made from glass and all the other types are 3D printed as well.

How does ordering a Costume work?

I have dedicated a whole page to this process, so check out how to order

What information is needed to place an order?

Depending on the type of costume I will need certain measurements or even a duct tape dummy. Whatever is needed will be added in detail to your contract. Your legal name and adress is required for a binding contract, so if you are certain you want an order, please add this as well. I also have to make sure you are of legal age, so I will require a photo of your ID, but anything besides name, adress and birthday can be censored ( the photo as well)

How does reserving a slot works?

Also covered in detail on the how to order page.

Do you send Work in Progress Pictures? How often do you update?

I do send my customers WIPs if possible or at least a text describing the process that time. I update at least every 14 days with a goal to update each week. ( This is my current rhytm and might change in the future – 2024)

Why is there no price calculator? No exact prices?

Because every character varies – it starts from the type of color you have – a light blue might be easier to get than a petrol blue. One character might have the same amount of stripes than another, but the second character has their stripes on more complex positions. All of these little details add variety to prices hence why we do not have a price calculator. we have this page for an overview and for anything else, you will get a detailed price quote after we gathered all the necessary information. And since the price quote isn’t binding and you can still decide to add or remove some extras, don´t worry. If the price is not within your budget, you can politely decline or we discuss different ways for you to get your costume – maybe save up onto the next round? Maybe remove some extras? Talking about it is the best way to go. 

Why so expensive?

Because Quality and LOTS of work. Check my Inside look pages to see why.

I have this idea that isn’t on the list – do you do (thing) ?

You can definitely ask or add it to the form – I am always up for new challenges!

I don’t know if I can afford a costume/ I want to know how much I should save up?

No problem, just fill out the form and check the box „Curious about price + wanting to get this in the future“ and you will get a price estimate.

I have gotten a price from you and realized I cannot afford this, how do I tell you?

Pretty simple – just say it´s not within your budget right now. I am not mad at people that decide otherwise after the price, as long as you let me know that. It’s not polite to just ghost me, block me or even exclaim how I am ripping people off.( I wish I didn´t have to actually write this one).

You accepted me for a slot but then I saw you taking slots again?

By now this has happened a few times, that customers were confused by me opening slots again, even though I did not start theirs yet. I Open Slots severa times a year and each time they are for the year after. So do not worry, I am not giving your slots away. If you feel like I forgot you, you can always contact me!

What else should I know?

Please remember that you are wearing a literal piece of art. Be careful with it, don’t toss it around, don’t rip it open or treat it like a simple piece of clothing. There will be some wear and tear after a certain time, this is normal and I’ll gladly fix these things whenever I meet people at conventions or you contact me about reparing work.

How did you learn this?

I went trough two apprenticeships, one being for a seamstress and also studied object design in germany and gained experience in costume, prop and set building for movies, theatre and short films. Crafting creatures has been my hobby since forever. I have about 20 years of sewing experience, have been a professional seamstress since 13 years.

How many people work for you? Do you do this alone?

I am an one person show. At some points I kept using „we“ on this site because it felt more professional, but I am slowly changing this. I work by myself and have no help, asides from mental support from my partner and friends. This is also a reason why I might take longer with certain projects.

Can you teach me how to sew? Can you help me make my own costume?

While I gladly point you in the direction for tutorials, materials or small tips, I cannot take the time to fully teach anyone specifically.

Do you have a question that is not answered here? Feel free to contact me.

This FAQ has been last updated June 2024.